Friday, August 20, 2010


I dont want to break up with her but i never see her anymore because we go to different high schools. What do I say?HOW DO I BREAK UP WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?
sorry not much you can do...either you dont end it and get to see her every now and then...or you do end it and she will get pissed and wont understand but she will move on like was already will have to decide what you want to doHOW DO I BREAK UP WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?
Do you want to break up? Then call her and discuss that getting together is going to be more difficult because you are in different schools.

Do you want to stay with her? Then call her and say you miss her and ask how and when you can meet with her.
Just tell her it is not so good for either of you to keep seeing each other because you go to different schools and you would like to venture out with friends from your own school.
If you don't want to then don't! But if you want to just be sweet and honest. She will be pissed an sad but she will move on sooner or later.

Good luck!
Nothing - just stop talking to her and she will find someone else.
say look this has been so great but now that we dont go to the same school or see each other very often im starting to loose feelings with you and see what she says
suggest a hiatus?

can't you see your girl during the weekends?

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