Monday, August 16, 2010

How do i get my girlfriend to break up with me?

I dont wanna be a jerk or be mean to her. I want her to not suspect anything and get her to break up with me. its really wierd for me cuz she's 13(14 in october) and im 15(16 in july).

remember i want her to break up with meHow do i get my girlfriend to break up with me?
why are so many people doing this stupid childish thing by trying to make the person you're with break up with you. why can't you just act like a man and break up with her? if you don't want to be with someone man up and dump them, don't act like a ten year old and try to make them do your dirty work.How do i get my girlfriend to break up with me?
I know you are probably trying to spare her feelings by having her break up with you but you are actually doing the opposite. For her to break up with you, you will have do disappoint her tremendously. It is better for you to be honest and explain to her that you think it is a better idea to be friends.
if she's into you then its almost impossible for her to breakup with you unless you either be a jerk or man up and just tell her. just tell her you want to move on and let her know you dont want to hurt her feelings. be a man
Just start like acting pissy all the time, like after everthing she says just get mad over the stupidest things. or when a guy acts all territorial and possessive thats when i get all pissed of and break up with them, so maybe try that?
u break up with her. the only way to get her to break up with you is to be a jerk, it's easier just to do it yourself
You sir are a craven coward. If you want to break up with her man up and tell her so. Stop being a whimp.
you could just ignore her? but i dont see the point when u can just end it urself, y put her thru more then what she has to go thru?
be a total *****


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